Version 1.0 of Devil Dog Buddy has officially been released! I am keeping my fingers crossed as my first attempt at creating a Droid application is making its way out into the world. I'm not expecting all of my countless hours of stress to pay off, but I got my feet wet and have a few ideas of what to try to do next!
The first tab of this app will calculate your pft score. It will tell you out of 100 what your score is for each category, your over all score, and your PFT class based on your input.
The second tab will calculate your CFT score and ouput the minimum requirements to pass in each category, whether you have passed or failed each one, and then your overall pass/fail status for the CFT.
The last tab will calculate your body fat percentage based on the U.S Navy Standards and will also output your max body fat suggested by the Marine Corps as well as your acceptable weight range for your height accoring to the USMC.
The formulas, standards, and calculations are based off of MCO6110.3.
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